plan your visit to life upc

First time here? Below you’ll find out a little about our service and the answers to some frequently asked questions.

What DO I WeaR?

One of the most frequently asked questions is what should I wear? Our answer: whatever you’re comfortable in. You’ll see tons of people dressed in everything from t-shirts to their Sunday best, so no matter what you wear we want you to feel comfortable.

Where Do I Park?

Pulling into a new church for the first time can be nerve-wracking. We want your parking experience to be as seamless as possible, we do not have assigned parking. When you come in the door, our greeters will be there, to greet you with a smile.

What Do I Expect When I Walk In?

You will meet one of our team members as soon as you walk in the door. Our team will be glad to welcome you, answer any questions you may have, and offer directions. To help you find your seat(s), one of our team members will guide you to the best available seat, and like parking, there are no assigned seats.


Our aim is to pursue Jesus Christ with everything that we have. Our worship is authentic and passionate because Jesus is worthy of every bit of our worship. Our worship experiences last approximately 90 minutes but will ultimately follow the spirit of God moving.

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